Email to Excuse Absence:
Attendance Rules
Daily school attendance is important to a student's success at middle school. Poor attendance often results in poor achievement. Students are expected and required by Utah State Law 53G-6-202 Compulsory education, to attend school every day that school is in session, except on those occasions when the school has been notified that the student is ill or that the student has a family emergency. Frequent absences could result in a truancy letter and an administrative meeting.
Absences for any reason during the first or last week of any quarter are strongly discouraged.
Steps to Follow when a Student is Absent or Plans to be Absent
- When a student is absent, a parent or guardian should call the school office that morning. If you forget or unable to call the office, you can send an email to or the student can bring a note to the office, excusing their absence, when they return to school. All absences must be excused within 10 school days.
- For pre-arranged absences of 3 days or more, please contact the front office or a school counselor. Students are required to complete a pre-arranged absence form and then parents, student and teachers are to sign the form and return it to the front office 3 days before the planned absence. Students have as many days as they were absent to make up missed work.
Excessive Absences
If a student is excessively absent, an administrator will reach out to parents to create a plan for improved attendance.
Ten Day Rule: By law, a student with 10 consecutive unexcused absences will be dropped from school enrollment.
EHMS Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be at school and in class on time.
When a student is late for school, they must sign in at the front office.
Students are allowed ample time (five minutes) to move between classes during the school day.
If a student gets three or more tardies in one week, they will serve a lunch detention the following week. If the pattern of tardiness continues, the number of lunch detentions will increase and parents will be notified.
Checking Students Out of School During the School Day
During the school day, students can be signed-out by parents, emergency contacts, or authorized adults listed on the student's school record. The individual picking up the student should bring a government issued ID when they come to the school to pick up the student.
To maximize class time and follow safety protocols, students with a note from parents about early dismissal should deliver the note to the front office before 8:50 am. Students will be given a class pass to allow them to meet their parent/authorized adult at the office at the specified time. Pre-planned early dismissals reduce interruption to classes and other students.
When possible please arrange to check your student out of school during passing periods, rather than during the middle of a class.
EHMS is a closed campus. For liability reasons, students may not leave campus during school hours, unless checked out by an authorized adult.
Students not checked out through the attendance office by an adult, are considered truant and absences cannot be excused.
Parent Release
EHMS students who have pre-arranged Parent Release, MAY NOT be on campus during Parent Release periods. Students waiting for parent pick-up or returning to school after Parent Release are welcome to be in the school 10 minutes before or after their scheduled classes. During this time they are expected to wait in the school lobby. All students with Parent Release periods must sign in/out on the clipboard at the front office each day. For additional information about Parent Release, please contact your student's Guidance Counselor.